Arsip : Pelatihan Pengelolaan Pesisir Terpadu Di Mangrove Information Center (MIC) Bali
Dalam Kerangka
Implementation of the Penguatan Capasitas Sumber Daya Manusia program
Denpasar, 12 S/D, January 15, 2004
A.Latar Belakang: Kondisi Lapangan BaliImplementation of the Penguatan Capasitas Sumber Daya Manusia program
Denpasar, 12 S/D, January 15, 2004
Sejak tahun 1927 Pemerintah Hindia Belanda telah seksi kewasan hutan of Bali menjadi hutan produksi dengan luas areal pekkana 1392 Ha basaran Governor SK Jenderal Hindia Belanda Nomor 28 tanggal 29 May 1927 to present.
After using the Benoa area of Bali as Pertambakan seluas +/- 306 hectares since 1974, the government has restored the function of the area as a forest landing area and Taman Visata Men5.9/Men9-Men9/Menu-19. /19/1999 puppy year dates. SC Menhut no. 544 / CPC-II / 1993 left Tahura Ngurah Rai.
Due to the damage to the mangroves due to the excessive change in forest function from year to year, the Forest Department is planning to develop a mangrove management project. International Communications International Communications Communications Co., Ltd. Proyek ini mengali kasantan-kemishyan Investmenta untuk denmangu mangrove forest restoration and management business, where one of the major mangrove plantation is 253 hectares.
Untuk mendistribusikan who develops projects with engineering and technical excellence says ananya pengulan system penyuluhan dan increases forestry activities of sekaran yang yang dalamasik Vine a Plaza.
The total area of mangrove forest in Bali province is +/- 7,034.07 ha divided into 6 districts +/- 1,373.05 ha of mangroves managed by Denpasar entrusted to Tahura Ngurah Rai.
Since 1970 the Camping Equipment Center (SCETO) has been used to access the main floor of Valio. What is the recommended area for resort development that can reduce the impact of tourism on Bali's cultural community? This is the Nusa Dua area. (Nusa Dua is the local name given by the Balinese community to the southern coastal area of Bali on the Bukit peninsula, describing the presence of a small island off the coast.)
Through the 1973 Nusa Dua Master Plan, Pacific Consultants International is able to manage the Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC). The largest project in Bali is infrastructure management on a 300-hectare site, which includes a 300-hectare site, a water tank, the installation of a sewage treatment plant integrated with an controlled separately. , Djaran Teleradiation, modern Djaran fusion system.
A superb treatment facility known as Nusa Dua Eco Lagoon contributes to the beauty of the world and protects the habitat of mangrove species in the coastal ecosystem.
General B. Gambaran
Damage to rainforest ecosystem of Kechenderungan, reduction of forest soil resources due to reduced quality of life, increase of DAS in Teluk Balikpapan. This is because Teluk and the coastal space has been used for various purposes such as the development of city centers and utilities, commerce, industry and other economic activities which continue to grow.
If the above actions are not carried out rationally, without considering environmental aspects, without knowledge of the environment, without transparency, without participation, there will be damage and pollution, Barandeep, Barandeep, Barandeep.
Based on the Pengelolaan Pesisir Terpadu/Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) concept, the implementation of operational activities is done through integrated interventions to address the problems in the Teluk area, especially regarding mangroves and tobacco. This case is implemented by Kelompok Kerya Terpadu.
C. Sasaran de Tujuan
The purpose of the training is carried out in the following framework:
1. Tukar pengapanan pentangan kelangan mangrove mangrove forest management for mangrove and peshiri province in Bali and kendala kendala yang yang langu.
2. Menjaring masukan dari daerah Bali sistema tenang penataan hutan bakau and pelliri yang dikanta.
3. Mengenal dan mengethai process planning and coastal and mangrove program management.
Sasaran Formation:
The objective of the training course is to manage mangroves in a coordinated, collaborative and integrated framework based on a sustainable strategy.
A. Hasil at Kunjungan Lapangan
At Dalam Pembahasan Materi, as a result of observation, the training process is entirely based on field experience in Bali. In this case, there are some results:
a. Kawasan mangroves
In 1992-1999, the project was aimed at technical landscaping, restoration of mangroves on plantations. From 2001 to 2004, through Mangrove Informasis Pusat Informasi, this program adds members to the mangrove ecosystem. Atau dengan kata lain erwadana proces penyadaran masyarakat tepagan kekep ke tepean hutan mangladi. To achieve this, the MIC has created several sections, namely Planning, Management, Training, Penyuluhan, Ekowisata, Penelitian ve Informasi, Pendidikan Lingkungan and Persemaian. Currently the persemaia (orphanage) owned by Seluas has an area of 7700 m3.
Established in Pemerintah, Department of Indonesia, in 1992 by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). While Pemerintah Provinsi Bali support provides non-financial information. The rapid recovery efforts in Bali are mainly supported by the Balinese culture which has a customary law instrument called "avig-avig" and the community is used to seeking a livelihood or livelihoods. Dari o Untuk Mencari Penghidupan Dari Ya Untuk Mencari Penghidupan Dari o Untuk Mencari Penghidupan Dari Ya Untuk Mencari Liber Imimiyiyiyiyiyyyyyyyiyyiyiyiyiyili Ilik Iliki Tresna Hukum Adat Yang Deetebut. mangladi hanya sedik sekedi sededi naduar tangan manusia.
In Penggalang, the study of mangroves is collaborative, namely seed mangroves of parts of penyemai, pendidikan melalui sekolah-sekolah and open access pengrove melaluiow in the forest.
Over a managed area of 253 hectares, the mangrove restoration is financed by a 1.5km wooden bridge (road), 4 peristirahatan pondoks (huts) and 1 floating bridge.
Thanks to the wooden bridge on the island, it is very easy to follow the plant and animal habitat. Studies have found that the fewest animal species living in the ponds are capiting (17 species), biawaca reptile, kerang, burung genus vrimbel, kuntul, Pacific golden plover, trinil. In addition, there are 13 types of mangroves and 9 types of mangroves for observation and research.
The mangrove forest dwellers in the Didalam region can still engage in economic activities such as growing keranga in the mangrove plantations and fishing in the Alur-Alur River. Seluruh kegianatan masyarakat is done concisely hanya atas tazmanan lisan dan tidak tarakan beban biayat akaan gepah kamitaman yang bengalta secara bersama-sama. Pengenaan devi sing nebula kukup melalui desa adat yang memeliki khukum instrument "avig-avig".
Another interesting fact is the presence of poisonous mangrove species. Mangrove types are local buta-buta-dapat-tumbukh-diderah-tropis-hatulistiva and berada-pada-lahan-yan-tendent-kering-basah. Berkembangnya suatu peksangan untuk membudidayakan jenis mangrove Buta Buta ini untuk menjadi buer bagi jenis-jenis manglade lain guna protecti dan mikejanen samsahaan tumbuh bagi manglave lain dari induar manusia merupaut.
Permasalahan yang tumbuk dalam kawasan ini adalah alur-alur sungai yang melikum hulu berada ditengah besetingan pemanukung kota. Kebiasaan dengangut (as in many other cities in Indonesia) Sampah yang sebagian kiss kiss yang yang decomposed negative effect ini adalah teradainan penumpukan pada ujung-ujung akar seperti Sonnetaria alba yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang batan yang yang yang stance strike melalui akar- akarnya yang take a pencil. If this happens, the tree's growth will slow down. As for the positive effect that the bakau plant can have, adalakh terkhambatnya laju aliran sampah ke laut dan peshiri akibat tersankutnya sampah-sampah tersebut pada akar-akar mangrove. So manipulation sampahpun dapat dikoncentrisankan hanya of daerah aliran sungai yang melalui hutan mangladi tersebut.
The Kawasan mangrove, which has been under development for 10 years, has not yet reached the commercial stage. Namun penataannya kesiapan sebagay One of the tourist sites supporting the development of Pulau Bali as a regional destination for domestic and international tourism.
b. Install Pengolahan Limbah
The Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC) is establishing a local airport which includes resorts, villas, spas, apartments, hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, shopping malls and Lapangan Golfcha shops. Integrated into Nusa Dua area. Kawasan ini tidak memperkenankan adanya management of secara tepagan rye independent benung sepamah cair. The task is therefore carried out exclusively by the BTDC, which conditions the entire underground network for waste collection, distribution, purification, water supply of the reservoir and use of the golf course. The control concept of Yang Ramah Lingingan Pada Kolam Air Semah Sekatu Mebutan is environmentally friendly. Yang mendingikasikan tingginya kualitas lingeringan hidup yang dapat pursued oleh installation. Pada kolam paranganan air semahah terhih dapat dipadukan dengan wisata pemancingan u wisata alam. Right now, a large population of birds live here, which makes the area sebagai tempat perirahatan selama peresanaan migrasi burung-burung tersebut.
Sign in to PDAM. Pertimbangan tidak diperkenankannya peumaatan sumur bor oleh bali hotel karena hal tersebut akan beluahuah air volume bersih bagi masyarakat. The hotel must have plenty of clean air so that the public can stay alone, so the hotels in Nusa Dua Bali must use PDAM air taken from the river.
Another area that is subject to visit is Tempat Pembuangan Ahir Sewage Area (TPA), an area using birddumping dengan, Benoa Baso Bakau District. The total area of the APT was originally less than 30ha but has now been increased to 50ha. The cabbage used is potential habitat for mangroves, but Bali's provincial government policy restricts the use of the area.
C. Kawasan Advertising
The next point of the field visit is Pulau Serangan which was abandoned by BTDC in 1996 due to the economic crisis.
Advertising activities on hundreds of hectares have not been accompanied by comprehensive environmental studies, which has given rise to a number of negative consequences, including:
1. Ecosystem of Rusak and Hilangna Rumput Laut and Habitat of Penyu Yang Ada Di Pesiri Pulau Serangan.
2. Rusaknya terumbu karang akibat process reklamasi yang menggunakan material urugan belaman dari pasir laut.
3. Abrasion effect Terjadinya Pantai Sanur yang potensi ekonomi kepariwisataannya lebih kiss.
4. Residents of Serangan village have no source of economic activity due to advertising of agricultural products unsuitable for agriculture. Selain itu daerah tersebut tidak menjadi tujaan wisata daerah tujaan wisata, sehago kegiatan cheap masyarakat to start UKM tidak menbara. The only way to survive in the community is to live in South Bali.
Dampak besar dari advertising activities ini angsat masyakarat bali yang berujung pada adatnya hukum adat kepada mass government itu yang ole ida Bagus Oka governor. Dimana pada masa ahir hayatnya, beliau tidak dimitara oleh masyarakat Bali and jasadnya tidak boleh dikebumikan from Pulau Bali.
In addition, the Bali government's efforts that have been implemented are more negative, including:
1. Collaboration with people around Mengupayakan through Bapedal Bali, even if you give up the minimum pendananaan.
2. Membangun grow pada sisi kiri-kanan daerah reklamasi dengan maksud mengiliminir laju abrasi akibat perawakan pola arus and wavengang yang menghantam Pantai Sanur. Pantai Sanur pun dikanda pula pembangunan is growing.
Wisata Pantai Sanur which is the next place to visit in the countryside has a special feature. Yaitu dapatarannya dua pasir pantai yang berdeba. Black sand indicates the presence of a large amount of technological deposits from the shore. Dimana sungai besar yang pempara passir dari letusan gunung Api Agung yang kaya besi dan berwana hitam, megalir hingga ke Pantai Sanur.
On the other side of Pantai Sanur is the white sand which comes from broken terumbu karanga and sea wave bottom. This situation shows that the sea salt process is very dominant and therefore the sediment is more colorful than the sea salt.
Untuk pekkalan wilayah pasir putih, dapat ditemuph dengan kejalan kaki salang tepi pantai yang telah difasilitasi sarana pejalan kaki yang menggunakan cone block. Thus, poppy hacking becomes a free/free public service depending on the constituency.
Sanur yang pada soon merupakan desa nelayan perawakan kultur masyarakat menjadi masyarakat pariwasitasi. Perahu-perahu functioned as a means of transportation. However, Pantai yan hingga saat ini, there are 8 villages in Sanur disekitar and all of them are merupakan desa adat. Perahu tersebut dapat disewa dari pendukung-penduduk lokasi.
Di Bali Beach Hotel is the first building in Bali to break the law prohibiting the handling of coconut oil and sewage. Pantanya telah pula kekepte dengan cresce untuk mengagu abrasi pantai yang terus tuktuwa.
While unrelated, potential people seem to believe that the earthquake that damaged the building, the earthquake that damaged the building a few years ago, is a pertad that is considered necessary for the balance of the world. Memadurasi buildings.
B. Hasil Pemaparan and discussion
to go. Dietrich G. Bengen talks about candidates from Indonesia:
1. Sekitar 30% Hutan mangladi and Terumbu Karang Dunia ada of Indonesia.
2. Approximately 85% of SD Ikan from the Perairian coast.
3. Sekitar 60% Penduduk Indonesia Hidup by Wilayah Pesisir
4. Sekitar 42 elevations and 181 cabs. It is located in the Pesisir area.
5. National GDP in the contract sector around 20.5%
6. The sector consumes 16 juta tenaga kerja secara langsung.
While the environmental aspect:
1. Summer Sebagai Daya Alam (Summer Daya Ikan, Mangrove, Terumbu Karang, etc.)
2. Penyedian jasa-jasa sudagan hiduhedan
3. Penyediaan jasa-jasa kommenaan (Tempat recreation, Pengembangan Pariwisata)
4. Penampungan Limbach (There are events in Penampungan Limbach).
Keterakitan Lahan Atas (DAS) and Pesiri
1. Pengkhubung antara daratan of hulu and wilayah peshiri
2. Pengantar bahan pensemar dari hulu ke peshiri
3. Dampak yang tadari by hulu juga persati by peperi karena peran das.
Pentingnya Pengelolaan Pesisir Terpadu and Pengelolaan Komprehensip
1. Deep and complete attention to SDA yang uni
2. Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan serbaaneka ecosystem and SDA peliri et laut
3. Integrative ecology, social economy and culture
4. Improve the interdisciplinary approach and coordination between sectors in problem areas.
Why is integrated coastal zone management needed?
1. Make sure the network continues to protect the environment from the pollution source.
2. Untuk meminimalisir e meresolosi konflek bemanang tebagan summer day pisirim
3. Untuk amenikakan koordinasi in interregional planning
4. Functional policy Untuk mengedepankan
5. Untuk mereduksi riskko ecosystem tepagan tepagan tepagan
6. Create an investment environment.
Release-Utama Release Pengelolan Pesisir
1. Kurangnya dijanjan dann pemanganya tenang sumber daya pellisr dan storytelling process yang besidikan dengan tolakannya
2. An underrated summer day, peliri dan laut
3. Lemahnya pemberdayaan masyarakat Pesri e penguna sumber daya Pesri e laut
4. Use the legal and legal documents of the ICM.
5. Login to ICM
6. Kurangnya keterpaduan antar program.
Development in Terumbu Buata
1. Mainly habitat baru dalam ruang laut dan prehsanaan padar substrates bagi kawasan makanan ikan, crustaceans and molluscs.
2. A terumbu is a structure or frame intentionally placed in the sea, intended to protect and inhabit marine organisms or as a means of protecting a beach.
Some of the recommended models:
1. Terumbu Bambu modular, effective 3 months habitat dapat segera tumbuh namun bahan cepat rapuh.
2. Terumbu Ban form, 6 bulan cash akan menjadi, ikan habitat. Sangat suasian untuk lokasi yang terlindung dari angin dan arus laut yang ahula.
3. Hong Concrete (concrete) module, 1 stamp effect. Sangat suasian dengan loki yang openu dan arus laut kuat. Dimana 1 block of concrete weighs 5 tons.
When conserving mangroves, you need to know 4 principles:
1. Pola Wanamina Empang parit: dipinggiran air dan ditengah mangrove, medana langaking karena pintu air satu maka semua daun-daun and beluhaan empang (20% empang and 40% manglade)
2. Pola 1 yang disepurnakan: ada dua pintu air, satu untuk air empang dan satu untuk mangrov, sehato tidak tadidaan komunikasi air mangrove dan empan, sehato saat tadidaan perawakan musim, kedua pintu dapat diabut (trap).
3. Paula Komplangan; The mangroves are separated, but the air is still 20 to 80 percent bound. The result of this investment model is lower than that of the city. Karena itu pilih 2 Sangat Bike Karena Investasa Murah Dengan Hasil Jan Bike.
Untuk daerah pertambakan jika daerah tidak ada manglade maka diwana fungsi border (300 meters). Jakarta husus ada dua masala: trade in sampah and masyarkat. Masalahat masyarakat dengan focus diskusi dengan masyarakat hinga masyarakat sadar bahwa daerah mereka perlu bakau. Untuk mehanan ombak build apo untuk sekkem waveng. Apo bersayap the function of sehka is performed by the growing saw. Dibelakang apo built buis yang berisi bakau.
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