Free translation of the Book of the Ministry of Finance
Written by Eugene F Brigham and Michael C. Ehrart Eleventh Edition 2005

Microsoft courts its 800 million work options or about 16,000 options per orange, of course a lot of employees have few options and because they have more, but the names are ang takir. Microsoft is nearing $100 million, along with US companies such as Bank of America, Citigroup, IBM, JP Morgan, and Ford. It focuses on technology produced by companies such as Microsoft, Citigroup, Ford, and Ford.
Under a special grant, you can acquire stock options and buy them at the “already” price to exercise or before they expire. Most of Bengaluru has a Swato period, in which and does not differ from using the tok transaction option. For example, the grant amount is 1,000 at $50, with a 10-day deadline, and a 3-day deadline. And the option that can't be used because the expiration limit is three years since and the work is done. After three years, you can become an employee and you can exercise this option. Reason: If the stock figure is $110, and the company's spread is $50 (1000) = $50,000 and the quoted price should be $110,000.
Funds meet sometimes in a condition, which means "Dana Bagak Birsarat" or sometimes exhibits "Spur Arrows Options"; If not, then the fund is an “unqualified grant”. If we hold off for at least a year and sell the stock, say up to $150 and eat the additional long-term capital of $1,000 ($150 - $50) = $100,000, then that would guess the taxes are down to the bottom of the editor's capital.
Before you see the new ergibten, you berehing tell your accountant, you will benefit keta using the tax quality option that can not take the lower tax variance (AMT). The AMT rate is 28%, which is equal to 0.28 (110-50)(1000) = 16800. The AMT tax will arrive on the spring of April, and if we immediately sell at that time then we will not pay our AMT tax. (in the execution will qualify the long-term capital return).
But what happens when the stock price drops to $5 before April? Then Dabat Mangowan Shares and Yang Nike Hania $ 5 (1000) = $ 5000 tuna. As per details, the fee is $1,000 USD and IRS (US tax service) is $3,000. Additionally, you may be denied access to the AMT list. You will be able to deduct your taxes in 2018, because the AMT tax has been paid in 2018 and your long-term income will be fulfilled. But now it's not Helping, having made $50,000 out of a $45,000 mark. The IRS will pay $16,800 in AMT.
Every manager must understand the basic principles of pricing options. First, many projects are allowed managerial intervention when circumstances change. This is the "same option", the project can be interpreted as a trade-off between success and failure. Understanding the basics of option finance will help you manage the value attached to the option, as explained in Chapters 12 and 21. Finally, option financing will help you bond with the karma of your current option.

An option is a contract given to the person who buys (or sells) a winning stock at a specified initial price in the trading period. The following sections describe some of the bidding differences that affect option values.

Janice Opsy and Bass
Approved By Ada Baniak, Option Genes, And Options. May 14, 2004 lets say $55. Any problem can be solved for US. In contrast, European options can only be exercised at the end of the day when the schedule is valid for $55. Of all the transfers, the Chicago Transfer Option (CBOE) is the third largest. The type of option is set as a call option, because kupera has reached 100 shares. Buyer of a call option. Buyer of an option. Investor options that have been declared sold when the stock goes up and the option is open. When the probationary price changes the current stock price of the option, it makes a diluted advantage, when the stock price is less than the current stock price of the option, to a large extent.
And a also can semelu a option that giver and the right to sell stocks on your price in the future this is a sell option. In addition, a GCC level of $53.50 is required. A selling stock will be membiri and the right at a price that is as healthy as the market price goes down and namadat ganfasat. Using Table 8-1, GCC will cost $100 at a cost of $21,875 (23/16 x 100) and a cost of $50 per box. For $1,000 worth of $50 you can pay $218.75 and $45 GCC. You can earn $50 ($50 - $45) (100) = $500. After subtracting $218.75 and paying for the option, the profit is $281.25.
Table 8-1 lists the quotations from the table to determine which option appears the next day in the Qur'an. The Sport World option will be $55.00 through February, and $0.50 when Sold. Furthermore, it is understood that $0.50 (100) = $50 equals more than 100. If the stock price was less than $55 during the period, and its current price is $50. But if it rises to $ 65 invest $ 50 and will increase in value ($ 65 - $ 55) (100) = $ 1000 you from 30 days. This can be interpreted as a healthy annized yield value. Now Abella Is Critical With Nike Arrows, You Won't Use Options And Da Dan Mebele Arrows Trust. It is better to sell options for at least $1,000 than to sell options for $50. There are other options for the original buyer or seller.
In addition to private stock options, they are also available on several stock indices, such as the NYSE index and the S&P 100 index.
Option trading is the most dynamic activity in the world. His influence causes situations to go awry with just a few dollars for an overnight fortune. Jugha, Modal Bintang Modal with Togas Dukami Dabat Manglan Option Combined with Siham Merka and Atara Nilay Option (Krang Dare Kumisi Intermediary). By connecting to your personal wallet, you can protect your most valuable assets.
Long Term Property Waiting Guarantee (LEAPS) can be disbursed for more than 6 years. Provide your personal information using traditional LEAPS services. The difference in long-term wear has a time of up to 21/2 years. One year LEAPS Costs about twice as much as three months of comparable options. But because they are time-consuming, LEAPS provide more opportunities for buyers and better long-term portfolio protection.
Book companies that have stock options don't have to do anything. Companies make no money in the options market. They also don't do any more direct transactions than that. Option holders do not lead the course and receive a share of the profits. People have studied the situation. So even if option trading is stable or not passer stock activity for new investors who are not oiled, but option trading is here and stock is the most interesting game in town.

Worker Affecting the Value of Options Pangali
Table 8-1 offers several definitions of call option valuation, with at least three factors influencing the value of a call option:
  1. Pass prices compared to bids. Offers a higher price than passing stock. The higher would be call options from sports World/s & 55 call options in February options sold for $4.25 For World of Sports $565/8 options for $531/8.
  2. Standard price quote. Offer higher price, lower price stock. Thus, all of GCC's potential options without having to limit the option's holdings as the price drops rise.
  3. Lamania lb. The longer the option cycle, the higher the price. This happened because of the longer time before the schedule ends. There is a greater chance that the share price will rise. So, the price of the option will increase after the expiration date is not longer.
Other factors that affect the value of an option, particularly changes in stock prices, will be discussed in the next section.

Value-to-Price Trial of Options
What is the riyal cost of the Velodu call option on the pass? We are currently using (The Black-Scoles Model) to give me option prices but, and first of all it is very useful for defining basic concepts. To get started, let's try the value options as follows:
Attempt Value = MAX (Current Stock Price-Offering Price, 0)
Experience value is if the option is feasible if the table is empty immediately. For example: prices up to $50 and prices up to $20 and up to $20. You can win $50 or $20. Thus, the option will be $30 and exercised immediately. Dunya's Resume Value Is Zero Karina No One Will Use Option That Is Not In Janvasat.
Figure 8-1 may refer to information obtained from Space Technology Inc. (STI). The third column of the spreadsheet shows the exercise value of hourly stock options at different prices. The fourth column is the equity market price for the option and the fifth column is the initial option price in valuation. First, mark that the market value of the fairness option looms. When the stock is zero, it is because the stock price drops to zero when there is no capacity, aka cash flow evomudate, in other words, the destroyer must go out of business. The situation is that it is worth choosing.
Second, the Pahwa Notice Highlights the En Slao Lipih Paik Ato Sama Dare Market Price for the Exercise Price. If the option price is lower than the exercise price, you can buy the option outright, so there's no risk. Because everyone will be trying to do it, the price of the option will be increased once the price is determined.
Kitty, pay attention to Bhawa MunAccording to the market price in libeh bek dare zero alkama third justice there is no ghanvasat. For example, the cost of a purchase is $2 equals $10. Referring to the remaining expiration time and stock stature, this is equivalent to the stock price going up above $20, so the option price goes up even though it has no gain.
Fourth, figure 8-1 shows a continuously increasing price option such as a taxi warehouse price. This is not surprising, because the price of the options equates the binding yield together with the price of the warehouse. But that as the notice warehouse price, selection price and practice price start to increase, means the price becomes smaller. This is because there is no actual price change, which would cause the price in the warehouse to change. Although not specified in Figure 8-1, the price of the pass option also focuses on the exercise price if the option price is no longer applied. With a long time limit, there will be plenty of time for the stock price to change, so the current market option price is very close to the exercise price for all stock prices.
That said, option pricing has many advantages over warehouse pricing. For example, if you buy $20 or $30 worth of stock, you have a 50% discount rate. If and instead gave the option price, the bid price would go from $8 and $16 compared to the increase from $20 and $30. So, in the case of 100% production, 50% of the production is in the warehouse. Of course, the effect would be the opposite: if the stock price dropped to $10, you would lose 50% of the stock price, but the option price would drop to $2, for a 75% loss rate, and a 75% loss rate.
Opting for Kenam and Bahra usually has the potential to consider Nike but the risk is limited. To see this you see the option price is $8 and above the stock price is going up. Warehouse price is $28 and option price is not expensive, your better off will be $0; You put in $28 - $20 = $8, which is an $8 investor member. Now the warehouse price is $30 or $20, and the pata and acto are over. The price is $30, $10 to $8 = $2. It costs $20, then you can invest up to $8. Now look at the warehouse prices for both $30 or $5. $50, $30 - $8 = $22; If it's $5, then you lose and the limit will be met in metric time. It's $8, it's $20, and $10 is $1. This makes $20 worth of money.
In selling at warehouse price and exercise price, selection price and 3 other factors above: 1) the market price period for the contract deadline, 2) the accuracy of the price stature and 3) the risk-free exchange rate. We'll explain exactly how this factor affects the selection price later, but for now, let's be clear:
1. The longer the length, the better the price and the longer the resistance than the standard price. If the option price passes 4 pm today, it won't have much more and the stock price will go up a lot, so the option price will be closer to the exercise price and this payout will be small. On the other hand, if the maturity is long but fluctuating, the stock price drops sharply, the price of the option rises with it.
2. The price of choice on stock stature which is more than one at stock price means warehouse. If the stock price changes quickly, when there is a slight stature of the price, a large increase in the stock price, therefore the option price will not be related. However, if the warehouse price changes with the price, the selection price will be more affordable at the same time, the selection price will be lower, and the quality of the selection will not be limited, but the quality will be limited. Therefore, a major pullback in stock prices would not make Mikehan bad in advancing the owner's value of option prices. Due to the drawbacks of not being restricted by the top but being restricted by the potential share, the stature of the higher part, the increased price of the option.
3. The price of the option will be agitated in the future, and part of the rationale for the price of the option depends on the current price of the funds for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for and Illustration by If the Tengta who interested Lipeh Tenggi, then the price is now from the one who is Deewana Rinda, which Zaixa is the price of choice.

Planning Change of Choices - Roji
Legit financing for executives and other staff is a "Hybrid" of indemnity. Bada Companies, especially small ones, the purchase price of Pule Mengi Bengutati Ontok Jaggi Cash - Kyaraiyas are willing to pay for Otok Megapill Jaggi Cash if Bulih Jogha has a different price. The choice price also requires more money for the chicken to work harder. What this motivates staff to do or to hold cash, the price of the option has a price at the end of the day, and they transfer the wealth of the bold choice to the employee to the employee for the expansion that is fair to the employee to perueraid which embedi which does not reduce the confiscation of the choice of economic benefits to the fund .
The company likes the fact that the name option requires spending cash quickly, although it can become a shareholder's fortune later. For CEOs, Staff and Chiefs, Like Pakistan Bantang Pahwa Pepper Ledema Keita Diwana Pelihan. However, from the point of view of executives whose indemnity is cold to reporting in a lawsuit, it is a fact that grants are normally recorded only in footnotes for funded statements. When the relative selection assistance funds were small, they had no problem with Katie's Radar Investors. However, as the high-tech sector was able to provide significant relief in the 1990s, the industry was only allowed to adjust to the heavy option burden, equity holders began to guard heavily.

Harry, in 2004, was storytelling. Various accounting and regulatory agencies are studying the issue now and may be convinced that new regulations need to be in place. One option (no intention) is to narutoru funds help the choice at all costs to the incoming bewamanat. To do this, you can estimate the price of the product over the period from supply to market. For example, if the initial price is 100 million and the term is two years, the company will report $50 million after the next two years. this is not a perfect approach because this is nahinai pyaya tony, and it does not take this value into account the choice of stature after this may be Padala. However, this makes price options more profitable for the investor, which is a good advantage. You can use companies like GE, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, and Microsoft. Beyond that, however, it is likely that it will not be sufficient to be mandated by regulatory agencies or regulated by halal stock. Note, however, that some investors who are attracted to executives drive elections based on a set plan to report profits. Investors that have this in sex are asking for a partner to overcome constraints and pay a fee, maybe so stature can come sooner or later.

Because of points 1 and 2, in Figure 8-1 it would be argued that the longer the option price line, the higher this market price line will be above the exercise price line. In the same way, the greater the change in the price of the underlying stock, the higher the price. We will look closely at how, as well as risk-free rates, arrive at the value of options when we discuss the Black-Scholes model.

Model All authentication options are provided by the unlimited Risko concept. The purpose of this clearing isn't to create a risk-free safeguard - you can buy security items for that -, but, instead, for the pelicans how many reward options it has. Thus, the investor hypothesis Yang. We usually mean Bedger, Buying stock and simultaneously exya as call on. As a distraction from that is the choice of calls, our limiters. (1). Let's focus only on the letter of settlement, which is clouded stock, and the mandatory selection of kuperkus. (we will only be selling settlements for sale in a fraction of the time). If the warehouse price goes up, the solution problem is an overabundance of stock. However, the option stock will have to close the settlement for selling its share of the stock is the option stock in the option exercise (which is below the market price) and it will have to be profit and it will have to be profit and it will have to be profit profit and it's going to have to be a hedger's profit, sell the investigation. If the price goes down a lot, buyers are not willing to choose their options, the market price edge becomes meaningless; If the stock price is low, the hedger can still sell below market price at the owner's option. While we will soon know the capacity for bond debt which the hedger will issue with the risk-free investment of his choice - the value of the bond will be the same irrespective of what the stock is.
If the image is not risky, the risk balance must be maintained. If the letter offered is higher than the risk, the judge will buy the letter, and the process will be appreciated, but the rate of return will be lower, and the fee will not be paid. the price of executing the bids for the choice, the less choice, and the less risky the fee, the more rewarding the option that satisfies the lag condition, that is, that the cashier will receive the increased fee without taking that risk.
The following example applies a binomial, chosen because it assumes that the stock price can carry only one of two mukyak values ​​in a single period. Western Cellular supplies, a high-end HP, may cost $35, but no details.

Language 1
Define the final price kazanti of the stock. Let's assume that western cellular stock will sell at 1 or 2 shares per year, which is $50 giving $32. If the maintenance is 70% reasonable $50, the low price is Compute West 0.7 ($50) + 0.3 ($32) = $44.6. With a share price of $40, Western has an estimated earnings of 11.5%. ($44.6 - $40) / $40 = 0.115 = 11.5%. If Westerns were to be a risky stock, we'd have to make different assumptions on the final price, covering many cases, and probably better roll back. See the website link for this step, for more information on explaining the relationship between stock risk and stock probability of expiration. Figure 8-2 shows the probable stock price and overcast excipient information that is excludable.

Language 2
Find the cap on the value of the investment, with the bureaucracy electing at the end of the year, Western stock will sell for between $50 or $32, the range from $50 - $32 = $18. Shows As shown in Figure 8 - 2, the option will be paid $ 15, If Adala shares $ 50, Karina en above the exercise price $ 35: $ 50 - $ 35 = $ 15; The option will not be paid if the stock price is $32, because this is below the exercise price. $15 - $0 = $15, the hedge is stock, and need to have enough stock,

Language 3
Purchase enough stock to pay for selling distance of stock and picking. Figure 8-2 shows that the difference between the stock and option payments is $18 and $15. To make a non-risk letter, we have to sum this distance and also the ganishat of the stock must lose in satisfying the owner's choice. What we do is member $15 / $18 = 0.8333 burr and in one step it is diluted (8.333 additional burr and 10,000 trades). After all, $40 is (0.8333) = $33.33. $50 (0.8333) = $41.67 or $32 (0.8333) = $26.67. As shown in Figure 8-3, the distance from the last arrow is $41.67 - $26.67 = $15.

Language 4
Hedge return on investment. Created by Keita A letter that is not risky with gemili 0.8333 Bagyan Dare Stock in Mingolania with Kailan Pelihania, Ciprtie Bada 8-3. The share price is $41.67, or $26.67, which is the high end for western stocks. Sold Pangalian options will have no effect on the value of the note if the price of the Western falls to $32 because it would not be dirka - it would be worthless. However, if the stock price ends at $50, the owner can choose to pay $35 for a $50 license to open the stock. For profit, if the stock is auctioned off, then the stock will fall to the target of $15. Now note that sur price is $26.67 Western up or down, so sur is not risky. Hedges are created to protect against rising and falling stock prices.

Language 5
Find the price of call options. To this point, we don't need to mention the value of the call options sold to create a riskless hedge. Is it the same as the pass, or balance, price? The value of the letter will be $26.67 at the end of the year, regardless of what happens to the stock price, $26.67 is not a risk, so the letter must be 8% risk. إذا تم إجراء الدورة على أساس يومي ، فإن تاريخ الإغلاق هو:

اليوم هناك صورة بقيمة 24.67 دولار. The stock value of the letter is equal to the value of the stock minus the value of the chosen letter. كارينا ، سيكاران الغربية السعر 40 دولارًا ، النسخة الرملية الرملية إيتو بيريسي 0.8333 بيان ، نيلاي ستوك دلام سور عدالة 0.8333 (46.67 دولارًا) = 33.33 دولارًا. ما يتم تذكره هو السعر من الاختيار:
PV سورات = sum of stock values ​​in notes - sum of option prices
Total selection price = total stock value in the letter - PV letter
= 33.33 دولارًا أمريكيًا - 24.62 دولارًا أمريكيًا = 8.71 دولارًا أمريكيًا
استثمر المستثمر 8.71 دولار. يقوم المستثمر (المستثمر ، وخاصة البنك الكبير ، والبنك ، والشركة) بإنشاء عدد قليل من الأسهم ويشتري الأسهم بمجرد انخفاض القيمة إلى 8.71 دولارًا ، وتبلغ قيمة هذا المال 8.71 دولارًا. من ناحية أخرى ، إذا تم بيع السهم بما لا يقل عن 8.71 دولار ، فإن المستثمر الملقب بـ "بيرلاوان" دينغان ميميلي كايلان بيليهب. والنتيجة هي إخراج Broadcasting will increase the value up to $ 8.71. هذا المستثمر (or Arbatrague) will buy and sell at the bazaar the same selection of cheetahs in foreign prices.
Obviously, this example doesn't make sense. Although you can double the kupercation from 0.83333 باجيان دينجان ميميلي 8.333 باغيان دان مينجالو 10000 سهم ، أسهم هارغا دياسومييكان تيداك ماسوك أسكال ؛ Western stock prices will be very pentange chatter 1 year, not just 50 to 32 dollars. God bless you. كينيا , جيكا كيتا allow one hundred, or حتى one thousand, from the ups and downs of stock prices of embagumat in 1 year, توزيع النتائج stock prices will be more or less than the most recent stock. كما هو موضح في موقع الشبكة ، فإن النهج الواسع المستخدم في وول ستريت أكثر تعقيدًا من الخيار الغربي. يمكنك استخدامه لإدارته ، يمكنك الحصول على معلومات عنه.

كان طراز Black-Scholes (OPM) هو أفضل طراز هنا اليوم لأول مرة في عام 1973. هذا النموذج ، الذي يحتوي دائمًا على برنامج به عدة معالجات من العمليات الحسابية في الشبكة ، يستخدم على نطاق واسع.

Assumptions and OPM equations
نموذج لطيف للغاية ، فيشر بلاك ، ركز على نيرون سكولز:
1. لا يقدم السهم الأساسي Call other منافع وتوزيعات shares during their lifetime.
2. There are no transaction fees for buying and selling stock or shares.
3. In the short term, the stock price will be available during the lifetime of the stock.
4. عدد قليل من المشترين داري داري security mayk borrow عدد قليل من pechahanhargaeli on short term ، دورة ممتعة خالية من المخاطر.
5. Fast selling is permitted, and fast sellers will also be able to quickly process cash from the latest prices for fast closing security.
6. يمكن أن تكون أسهم المكالمة دلاتة هانيا دلام تنغات.
7. The market is in a safe condition where it keeps coming and the stock is not in the middle of a mess.
مفهوم The origin of نموذج Black-Scholesbersanddar on خطر which we are at the end. God bless you For خالية من المخاطر who are not many times ، and فرصة المراجحة there will be and people who try for this opportunity who will be the price of stocks at competitive prices وفقًا لنموذج Back-Scholes.
Note: that the value of price is a function of what we are discussing (1) P, stock price, (2) t ، the period of non-zadakhnya shares ؛ (3) X ؛ (4) o2 ؛؛ various kinds of symbols من (5) rRF ، الدورة ليست محفوفة بالمخاطر. يغطي نموذج We can't Obegura العديد من الحالات التي تختلف تمامًا عن مثل الرياضيات التي تختلف كثيرًا عن نطاق النص. ومع ذلك ، لا ينبغي استخدامه. وفقًا للافتراضات التي تم إجراؤها في 4 السابقة ، إذا كان سعر السهم مختلفًا عن السعر الموجود في الشكل 8-1 ، فقد يؤدي ذلك إلى إنشاء فرصة للمراجحة ، مما سيجبر سعر السهم على العودة إلى القيمة التي يشير إليها النموذج. As already mentioned, it is good to get نموذج from ، عادةً ما يستخدم نموذج Black-Scholes في السوق.
Closing the conversation, سياات بيرتاما داري بيرسمان 8-1 Pin (d1) can be disheartening as the value of the stock price is not high. يتم إعطاء الوقت بواسطة P> X للخيار. The second condition Xe-cRee IN (d1) can be thought of as a trial price value to show the true meaning of the equation is more yielding to plug in some amount to see how changes in inputs affect the value of an option. The following examples are also found in the FM 11Ch Tool Kit.xls data, on the textbook website.

The current share price P is the trial price X and at the time the loan expires t, all of which can be obtained from newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal. The risk free rate is the result of a valued invoice with a loan expiration date equal to the option expiry date. The difference in annual share returns a2, can be calculated by calculating the difference of the percentage change in the daily share price for the past year (that is the difference of (Pt-Pt-1)/Pt-1) over 365 days.
Results that can be drawn from the following information:
P = $20
X = $20
t = 3 months or 0.2 years
rRF = 6.4% = 0.064
o2 = 0.16 with note that if o2 = 0.16 then o =  0.16 = 0.4
From the information provided we can now use OPM by solving equations 8-1, 8-2 and 8-3. Since d1 and d2 are included for the equations 8-2 and 8-3 first.

Mark that N (d1) = N(0.180) and N (d2)=N(-0.020) replace the area under the normal distribution function. From the field table D or from the NORMSDIST excel function, we see that the value d1=0.180 implies the possibility of 0.174 + 0.0500 becoming N (d1) since d2 is negative N (d2)=0.500-0.0080=0.4920. We can use this value to solve the equation 8-1.

So the option value under the conditions taken is 1.74 while the actual option price is 2.25. Arbitrators can simultaneously sell the option, buy the underlying stock and make a profit without risk as the trade will occur until the option price drops to $1.74 the reverse will occur if the option sells for less than $1.74 so investors will be reluctant to pay more than $1.74 per option and they are not can buy it for less so $1.74 is the option's equilibrium price.
Untuk melihat bagaimana 5 faktor OPM mempengaruhi nilai opsi persmaan 8-2 berikut adalah baris atas alas an dasar nilai pemasukkan yang mengambarkan OPM dan menghasilkan nilai opsi V=$1.74 dalam baris, factor dengan huruf tebal adalah kenaikan. Saat 4 leveel alas an dasar hasil dari opsi panggilan diberikan sekarang mari mempertimbangkan efek dari perubahan:
1. Harga Saham Saat Ini. Apabila harga saham saat ini P, naik dari $1.74 menjadi 5.57 saham tapi dengan kurang dari harga saham $3.83 berbanding $5.00 tandanya, walaupun presentasenya nail nilai opsi ($5.57-$1.74)/$1.74=220% jauh melampaui presentase harga saham ($25-$20)/$20=25%.
2. Harga Percobaan. Apabila harga percoban x, naik dari kemerosotan opsi lagi penurunan pada nilai opsi adalah kenaikan harga percobaan tapi presentase berubah pada nilai opsi ($1.74)/$1.74=-78% perubahan presentase pada saham ($25-$20)/$20=25%
3. Periode Opsi. Pada waktu masa berlaku naik dari t = 3 bulan (0,25) tahun menjadi t = 6 bulan (0,5) tahun nilai opsi naik dari $1,74 menjadi $2,54 ini terjadi karena nilai opsi tergantung pada kesempatan harga saham pokok untuk naik dan nilai opsi untuk naik harga saham akan merambat naik. Jadi, nilai opsi lebih bernilai daripada opsi 3 bulan.
4. Tarif Gratis Beresiko, sebagai alat tariff gratis berisiko naik dari 6,4 menjadi 9 persen nilai opsi naik sedikit dari $1.74 menjadi $1.81. Persamaan 8-1 dan 8-2 menyaranan bahwa efek kenaikan InrRr adalah untuk mengurangi nilai harga percobaan Xe-rRrt, karenanya terjadi kenaikan harga opsi saat ini. Tarif gratis berisiko juga mempunyai aturan main dalam menentukan nilai dari kesalahan fungsi penyaluran N (d1) dan N (d2) tapi efek ini adalah penting. Tentu sja harga opsi secara umum tidak terlalu sensitive pada perubahan tariff. Setidaknya untuk perubahan dalam jumlah normal.
5. Perbedaan. Seperti perbedaan bertambah dari hal dasar 0,16 ke 0,25, harga pilihan bertambah dari $1,74 ke $2,13. Oleh karena itu, keamanan yang mendasari lebih beresiko, pilihan lebih berharga. Hasil ini adalah logis. Pertama, jika kamu membeli sebuah pilihan untuk membeli saham yang menjual harga tertulis, dan jika 0-2 = 0, kemudian akan ada kemungkinan nol dari saham yang naik, sebab itu kemungkinan nol dari membuat uang diatas pilihan. Dengan kata lain, jika kamu membeli sebuah pilihan diatas saham dengan perbedaan tinggi, akan ada kemungkinan lebih tinggi bahwa saham akan naik, sebab itu kamu akan membuat keuntungan besar di atas pilihan. Tentu saja, saham dengan perbedaan tinggi dapat turun tetapi sebagai pemegang pilihan, kerugian-kerugianmu akan dibatasi ke harga yang dibayarkan untuk pilihan – hanya sisi tangan kanan dari kemungkinan saham hitungan distribusi. Taruhlah cara lain, bertambahnya harga saham membantu para pemegang pilihan lebih dari potongan yang merugikan mereka, jadi sebuah perbedaan yang lebih besar, lebih besar adalah harga pilihan. Ini membuat pilihan terhadap saham-saham beresiko lebih berharga daripada itu diatas pengaman, saham dengan perbedaan rendah.
Myron Scholes dan Robert Merton dihadiahi hadiah Nobel tahun 1997 dalam bidang ekonomi, dan Fischer Black akan sudah seorang pembantu penerima ketika dia masih hidup. Kerja mereka menyediakan alat-alat analitis dan metodologi-metodologi yang secara luas digunakan untuk memecahkan banyak jenis-jenis masalah keuangan, bukan hanya harga pilihan. Tentu saja, seluruh lapangan dari manajemen (pengelolaan) modern yang beresiko adalah terutama berdasarkan kontribusi mereka. Meskipun contoh Black – Scholes berasal dari pilihan orang Eropa yang dapat ditulis hanya berdasarkan batas waktu, itu juga memakai pilihan orang Amerika yang tidak membayar keuntungan saham sebelum waktu berakhir. Buku-buku pelajaran terdaftar di akhir bab referensi menunjukkan contoh-contoh biasa saham pembayaran untuk keuntungan saham.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan latihan
1. Apa tujuan dari contoh harga pilihan Black – Scholes ?
2. Jelaskan apa sebuah “batasan yang tidak beresiko” dan bagaimana konsep batasan yang tidak beresiko digunakan dalam Black – Scholes OPM
3. Gambarkan pengaruh dari sebuah perubahan dalam masing-masing faktor-faktor berikut berdasarkan harga pilihan panggilan :
un. Harga saham
b. Harga tertulis
c. Kehidupan pilihan
d. Hitungan bebas beresiko
e. Perbedaan harga saham, yang mengandung reiko dari saham

Pilihan taruhan memberikan pemiliknya hak menjual pembagian saham. Jika saham membayar tidak keuntungan saham dan pilihan hanya bisa ditulis melalui batas waktu, Apa nilainya ? Daripada menutup lubang roda, pertimbangkan melunasi dua tas surat seperti ditunjukkan di tabel 8-3. Tas surat pertama terdiri dari pilihan taruhan dan pembagian saham, yang kedua mempunyai pilihan panggilan (dengan harga tertulis yang sama dan tanggal waktu berakhir seperti pilihan panggilan) dan beberapa uang tunai. Jumlah uang tunai sama dengan harga sekarang dari harga tertulis, dipotong terus-menerus digabung hitungan bebas resiko, yaitu Xe-rRft. Pada waktu berakhir, harga uang tunai akan sama harga tertulis, X.
Jika harga saham, P, adalah kurang dari harga tertulis, X, ketika pilihan berakhir, lalu harga pilihan taruhan adalah X – P. Oleh karena itu, harga tas surat 1 yang berisi taruhan dan saham, adalah sama dengan X – P ditambah P, atau hanya X. Untuk tas surat 2, harga panggilan adalah nol (karena pilihan panggilan adalah kehabisan uang), dan harga uang tunai adalah X, untuk harga seluruhnya dari X. Pemberitahuan bahwa masing-masing tas surat mempunyai pembayaran sama jika harga saham kurang dari harga tertulis

Bagaimana jika harga saham lebih besar daripada harga tertulis ? Dalam hal ini, taruhan adalah tidak berharga sama sekali, jaadi harga tas surat 1 adalah sama harga saham, P. Pilihan panggilan adalah berharga P – X dan uang tunai berharga X, jadi harga tas surat 2 adalah P. Oleh sebab itu, harga dari dua tas surat adalah sama, apakah harga saham dibawah atau di atas harga tertulis.
Jika dua tas surat mempunyai pembayaran sama, mereka harus mempunyai harga yang sama. Ini dikenal sebagai hubungan kesamaan panggilan – taruhan :
Pilihan taruhan + saham-saham pilihan panggilan + PV dari harga tertulis.
Jika V adalah harga Black – Scholes dari pilihan panggilan, lalu harga dari sebuah taruhan adalah 12.
Pilihan taruhan = V – P + XcRE (8-4)
Dimana V adalah harga dari pilihan panggilan
Contohnya, pertimbangkan pilihan taruhan ditulis diatas saham didisskusikan bagian sebelumnya. Jika pilihan taruhan mempunyai harga tertulis sama dan tanggal waktu berakhir seperti panggilan, harganya adalah:
Pilihan taruhan = $1.74 - $20 + $20 e-0.064(0.25)
= $1.74 - $20 + $19.68 = $1.42

Dalam bab ini, kita mendiskusikan topik harga pilihan, meliputi berikut ;
  • Pilihan-pilihan keuangan adalah alat (1) yang diciptakan dengan penukaran daripada perusahaan-perusahaan (2) dibeli dan dijual terutama oleh para investor dan manajer-manajer keuangan
  • Dua jenis yang utama dari pilihan-pilihan keuangan adalah (1) Pilihan-pilihan panggilan yang memberi pemegang hak untuk pembelian modal yang ditetapkan diharga yang diberikan (harga tertulis atau keluar) untuk jangka waktu tertentu, dan (2) pilihan-pilihan taruhan, yang memberikan pemegang hak menjual modal di harga yang diberikan untuk jangka waktu tertentu.
  • Harga tertulis pilihan panggilan ditetapkan sebagai maksimum dari nol atau harga sekarang dari saham kurang dari harga keluar
  • Contoh harga pilihan the Black – Scholes (OPM) dapat digunakan memperkirakan harga pilihan panggilan.
  • Lima masukkan contoh Black – Scholes adalah (1) P, harga saham sekarang; (2) X, harga tertulis; (3) rRf, hitungan bunga bebas resiko; (4) t, waktu sisa sampai waktu berakhir; dan (5) o2, hasil perbedaan hitungan saham.
  • Harga pilihan panggilan bertambah jika P bertambah, X berkurang, rRf bertambah, t bertambah, atau o2 bertambah.
  • Hubungan kesamaan panggilan taruhan menyatakan bahwa : Pilihan taruhan + saham = pilihan panggilan + PV dari harga tertulis.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dari pemasaran asalnya lihat:
Chance, Don M. An Introduction to Derivetives and Risk management (Mason. OH: South – Western College Publishers, 2001).
Hull, John G. Option, Futures and Other Derivatives (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000)

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